
Saturday, August 29, 2009

A whole new addiction!

As if I don't have enough addictions, I found another! Digital stamps! They are way cheaper than "real" stamps, you can resize them, use any color ink, and then use them just as you would a normal stamp. Paper Popsicles has a good selection and I got the Cupcake Tree one in their Friday Freebies. (sorry that was the last Friday Freebie!) After it was emailed to me and I saw how easy it was, I bought another 3! That is another plus of digital is almost immediately emailed to waiting for it to be shipped to you!And here's a close up so you can see the details! I used my atyou Spica pens.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Let's Get Buggy!

I am recovering today from 2 bug parties this weekend for Isaac's 6th birthday! I spent more time in the kitchen this weekend than I think I have all summer! ;) I had promised pictures of "roach soap" in a previous post so I don't want to disappoint! :)
We started with a bug hunt! Tadd hid 45 plastic bugs around the yard...Isaac found 22 of them! The other 4 kids found the rest! (we hope!)
This was pin the spider on the web!The cake for the family party. I made the bugs using instructions from the book Hello, Cupcake! In fact, that is why Isaac "chose" (or maybe was talked in to!) bugs for his party!Cupcakes for the kids party.Boo bugs...I found these in a Halloween cookbook! They were supposed to have potato string legs and antennae but I just ran out of time!Little lady bug crackers and what would a bug party be without ants on a log! Cookie Caterpillars! These were so fun to make!And to drink...Beetle Juice! A few of the kids didn't want ice because they were convinced it was a real bug in the ice cubes! They were jumbo raisins!And as favors for the kids..roach soap! Even one of Tadd's high schoolers asked me if they were real bugs in there! :)
Hope you all had as fun of a weekend as we did! But maybe with a few less creepy crawlies! :)

Friday, August 21, 2009

I Won!

Just thought I'd share! I was one of 2 "punny" cards to win on the October Afternoon blog!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Oh so Punny!

Over at the October Afternoon blog they were having a little contest to make a punny card. I couldn't resist!I think I am about 100% recovered from the camping trip! Which is a good thing since tomorrow is Isaac's 6th birthday and on Saturday we are having his friends party and on Sunday the family party! I have already made the "roach soap" and now just need to make the candy bugs for the cupcake toppers! Pictures to come on Monday! :)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

We're Back!

We got back on Friday but have been very lazy and exhausted! We had a wonderful week with 28 teenagers! They were awesome! We had no turkeys this year and they were just a bunch of sweethearts! I enjoyed the week more than I think I ever have! That is part due to the teens and part that my kids are old enough to not need me 24/7! They were able to play on there own and came home extremely happy, tired, and filthy! Thought I'd show some of my favorite pictures from the week!

I just love this shot of the team on the log!
This is the water pump. We actually get our drinking water at a different campground. This water is drinkable but has lots of visible minerals in it and some kids get freaked out about that!

Blindfolded for a trust walk. Isaac participated in this this year too!

Walking in the Metolius River! This river pops up out of the ground about 1/4 mile from here. If they look cold, that's because the water is only a few degrees above freezing!

And a somewhat blurry but cool campfire shot!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

And we're off!

On Monday we are off for 5 days of camping with 29 high school kids! This is part of Tadd's XC team and this is the 8th year of doing this. We have no running water and it is just outhouses but let me just say...We eat well! Today was the Costco shopping trip. This is food for 40 people for 5 days! This is what it looks like!Tadd (my husband) is on the left, next to him is his assistant coach, the beautiful blonde is one of the runners and on the end is my dad...who comes because we need his Costco card!

Here we are in line with the 4 carts!

Tomorrow more of the runners come over to load up the U-Haul trailer that we rent to get everything down to camp. Monday morning, bright and early, we will take off for this year's adventure! Hopefully we won't have any hospital trips this year! :)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Bo Bunny to the Rescue!

I hadn't realized how hard it would be to find NOT CUTE bugs! When making invitations for a boy's 6th birthday party "not cute" is definitely a requirement! :) I knew I had scored when I brought home this paper and he said "Gross" with a huge smile on his face! Way to go mom! (thanks Bo Bunny for not having cute bugs!) I wanted to use mostly my own supplies and not spend a fortune on these so they all are different so that I could use my stash! I started with a "Hop on over" message but couldn't put hop each time without running out of letters so we had crawl, creep, fly, jump, buzz, and hop. I also tend to spend too much time doing things so I went with a super simple design so that they wouldn't take hours and hours to make! :) The inside message I completely lifted from a blog that I don't know what it was now! Sorry!