
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Keeping it Simple

I am going to admit that I have been in a scrapping funk for about the last 6 months.  In fact, I don't remember the last actual layout I did.  I LOVE making the Punky Sprout's mini albums and I think that is because I can start and finish a project in a day or two.  Sometimes I feel I'll never get "caught up" with my layouts!

When Becky Higgins introduced her Project Life way of scrapping, I didn't want to even look at was one of my favorite inspirations telling me how to make scrapping easier.  But I knew if I started PL, I'd probably never scrap layouts again! :)

This last fall I finally took the plunge.  I decided to use my own stash for this instead of buying the kit.  I knew I would never keep up with a photo a day type of project and so to get my feet wet in this type of scrapping, I decided to do a National Parks album.  Since we've been married (14 years) we have visited close to 20 National Parks...starting with Yellowstone on our Honeymoon.

I have absolutely loved doing this album and in fact in just a weekend getaway I was able to scrap almost all of the parks!

Here is the first double page spread of our trip to the Redwoods.  You can see that I do mostly pictures with  a title and some journaling mixed in.

For my title block, I used some Lil' Blossoms along with a Denim Lil' Stem to give some texture.  The numbers are Cocoa Daisy stamps and have a textured pattern as well.

On my journaling spot I used a Cocoa Daisy border stamp to decorate the grid paper and added a bit of Lil' Twiney to add some dimension.