
Thursday, May 8, 2008

Mother's Day Tea

Isaac's preschool had a little mother's day tea today. We made flower pencil holders that they had already painted. In class they had made us tiles with their handprints on them. So cute! But the best part was the card. The teacher had interviewed each kid with questions about their mom. Here are Isaac's answers:

What is your mom's name? Lynn
What is you mom's favorite food? Watermelon
What is your mom's job? Laundry
What is your mom's favorite TV show? Rachel Ray
What is your mom's favorite thing to do? Snuggle with me
What is your favorite thing to do with your mom? Paint

The laundry one really got is what I am the worst at! Seems I am never caught up! =) Anyway, it was a fun way to start a mother's day weekend! Tomorrow...scrapbooking with friends from 2-11! WooHoo!

And these are what Isaac made for his teachers. He did all the painting himself. We were going to put dots on both of them but the first 3 dots he did on the pink one must have looked like a face to him because then he put a smile on it! We did the dots with a pencil eraser. He also picked out all the colors and flowers himself!

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