This is Isaac's first year of preschool. One of the things I really like is that they are given a scrapbook of their year! We (the parents) had to sign up for a day or two (field trip, party, or dress up day) where we came and took the pictures and then made a page for each kid. They are even made especially for that Isaac's book is mostly pictures of him on those days. I had pajama day and gingerbread house family night. I am also in charge of putting them all together (to give out tomorrow!) so I did the cover too! These are the pictures of the pages I did in Isaac's book.
Gingerbread House Night. Every kid had a picture with their parent, their house, and 2 others.
Pajama Day they made Pancakes. You'd think I could get a better picture of my own kid! This is the cover. The painted person they did on the 1st day. (Black is name blocked out!)
Very cute! It will be so fun when my little man hits school age! :D