
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Preschool Scrapbooks

This is Isaac's first year of preschool. One of the things I really like is that they are given a scrapbook of their year! We (the parents) had to sign up for a day or two (field trip, party, or dress up day) where we came and took the pictures and then made a page for each kid. They are even made especially for that Isaac's book is mostly pictures of him on those days. I had pajama day and gingerbread house family night. I am also in charge of putting them all together (to give out tomorrow!) so I did the cover too! These are the pictures of the pages I did in Isaac's book.

Gingerbread House Night. Every kid had a picture with their parent, their house, and 2 others.
Pajama Day they made Pancakes. You'd think I could get a better picture of my own kid! This is the cover. The painted person they did on the 1st day. (Black is name blocked out!)

1 comment:

  1. Very cute! It will be so fun when my little man hits school age! :D
