
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Something New #2.....1/8-1/14

Kool-Aid Play-Dough
I have actually made Kool-Aid play-dough before but this was a new (to me) recipe that did not involve any stovetop cooking. You DO have to add boiling water but because it wasn't on the stove, I just put bowls on the table and the kids did all the mixing! (before the water was added!) This dough has a great feel to it too! There are no pictures of the kids playing with it because I was playing with it too! :)
1 cup flour (I found the dough to be to sticky so I added flour at the end until it felt right and didn't stick to our hands!)
1 package Kool-AidKool-Aid (any flavor)
1 tablespoon cream of tartar
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1/4 cup salt
3/4 cup boiling water

Mix all dry ingredients in bowl then oil, then pour boiling water in and mix thoroughly. Wrap in cellophane or air tight container and store in fridge. The play dough should last a few months.

A couple things:

*We used cherry, orange and lemonade Kool-Aid. The lemonade doesn't color it at all so I added food coloring to the yellow but the read and orange are colored just with the Kool-Aid.

*I was out of (or never had?) cream of tartar. I did an online search and someone said for making play-dough, you can substitute lemon's about twice as much lemon juice as cream of tartar! (you can also use vinegar but I didn't want that smell!)

*This recipe made one of the balls in my picture...we all made our own in separate bowls! However, if you just make one batch, there will be plenty for 2-4 kids! (or moms!)

If you make this, I'd love to see how yours turned out! Leave me a link!

1 comment:

  1. I am definitely trying this! Looks so easy... just need to go get some koolaid! Thanks!
